The Problem Today I had a hard 2 hours, and if you have found this blog post, I bet we are in the same shoes. I was working on a ASP .NET + windows azure project, and I needed the HtmlEditorExtender control from the Ajax Control Toolkit . I was lucky to find a control for my needs. So far so good. I've installed the toolkit with NuGet Package manager, it added a reference to the assembly to my web.config. I've used the following code where I needed the HtmlEditorExtender: < ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat ="Server" /> < asp:TextBox ID ="txtComments" TextMode ="MultiLine" Columns ="60" Rows ="8" runat ="server" /> < ajaxToolkit:HtmlEditorExtender TargetControlID ="txtComments" runat ="server" /> </ asp:Content > Just to see how this control works. As you can bet ajaxToolkit is the refe...
In this article I will show you how to display hierarchies in a TreeView control, when your data is in a DataTable. In this example we have an Employee table with 3 columns: ID, ParentID and Name. ParentID is the ID of the boss for the current Employee. The first step is to sort the table by the ParentID . This step is really important because we cannot insert a node in the tree until it's parent is not inserted. Notice the root of the tree having a ParentID of -1. Here is the code for this: The second step is to use a XmlDocument. The TreeView control does not have the functionality to find an arbitrary node given a node ID. A recursive find function seems to be too much hassle, not to mention the performance, so I decided to take advantage of the XPath search capabilities of XmlDocument to find a given Parent node. Here is the code for this: The third step is to hook up our data to the TreeView. If you try to bind the TreeView control to an XmlDocument you w...
Am petrecut foarte mult timp cu depanarea codurilor scrise de mine sau de altii. Nu conteaza despre ce limbaj de programare este vorba: C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, ASP, etc. Pana la urma cel mai mult timp il vei pentrece cu depanarea codului pe care il scrii, sau scris de altii. In aceasta ordine de idei am elaborat 14 sfaturi pentru programatori incepatori: Rabdare. Depanarea necesita foarte multa rabdare. Trebuie sa ai o gandire calma si rationala, cu cat te enervezi mai mult cu atat scade sansa de a reusi sa-ti repari codul. Google este prietenul tau. Foarte multi oameni care au invatat sa programeze au avut aceleasi probleme ca si tine. Poti gasi solutia la problema pe care o ai, sau alte solutii pe care trebuie sa le adaptezi pentru problema ta, si cum se foloseste functia sau clasa de care ai nevoie. Pe internet sunt foarte multe detalii despre functia sau clasa pe care vrei s-o folosesti, doar trebuie sa cauti. Citest...
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